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Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the form of an interpretable and semiautomatic approach to stage grading ocular pathologies such as Diabetic retinopathy, Hypertensive retinopathy, and other retinopathies on the backdrop of major systemic diseases. The experimental study aims to evaluate an explainable staged grading process without using deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) directly. Many current CNN-based deep neural networks used for diagnosing retinal disorders might have appreciable performance but fail to pinpoint the basis driving their decisions. To improve these decisions' transparency, we have proposed a clinician-in-the-loop assisted intelligent workflow that performs a retinal vascular assessment on the fundus images to derive quantifiable and descriptive parameters. The retinal vessel parameters meta-data serve as hyper-parameters for better interpretation and explainability of decisions. The semiautomatic methodology aims to have a federated approach to AI in healthcare applications with more inputs and interpretations from clinicians. The baseline process involved in the machine learning pipeline through image processing techniques for optic disc detection, vessel segmentation, and arteriole/venule identification.
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Soft actuators have attracted a great deal of interest in the context of rehabilitative and assistive robots for increasing safety and lowering costs as compared to rigid-body robotic systems. During actuation, soft actuators experience high levels of deformation, which can lead to microscale fractures in their elastomeric structure, which fatigues the system over time and eventually leads to macroscale damages and eventually failure. This paper reports finite element modeling (FEM) of pneu-nets at high angles, along with repetitive experimentation at high deformation rates, in order to study the effect and behavior of fatigue in soft robotic actuators, which would result in deviation from the ideal behavior. Comparing the FEM model and experimental data, we show that FEM can model the performance of the actuator before fatigue to a bending angle of 167 degrees with ~96% accuracy. We also show that the FEM model performance will drop to 80% due to fatigue after repetitive high-angle bending. The results of this paper objectively highlight the emergence of fatigue over cyclic activation of the system and the resulting deviation from the computational FEM model. Such behavior can be considered in future controllers to adapt the system with time-variable and non-autonomous response dynamics of soft robots.
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Automation in farming processes is a growing field of research in both academia and industries. A considerable amount of work has been put into this field to develop systems robust enough for farming. Terrace farming, in particular, provides a varying set of challenges, including robust stair climbing methods and stable navigation in unstructured terrains. We propose the design of a novel autonomous terrace farming robot, Aarohi, that can effectively climb steep terraces of considerable heights and execute several farming operations. The design optimisation strategy for the overall mechanical structure is elucidated. Further, the embedded and software architecture along with fail-safe strategies are presented for a working prototype. Algorithms for autonomous traversal over the terrace steps using the scissor lift mechanism and performing various farming operations have also been discussed. The adaptability of the design to specific operational requirements and modular farm tools allow Aarohi to be customised for a wide variety of use cases.
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我们考虑在平均场比赛中在线加强学习。与现有作品相反,我们通过开发一种使用通用代理的单个样本路径来估算均值场和最佳策略的算法来减轻对均值甲骨文的需求。我们称此沙盒学习为其,因为它可以用作在多代理非合作环境中运行的任何代理商的温暖启动。我们采用了两种时间尺度的方法,在该方法中,平均场的在线固定点递归在较慢的时间表上运行,并与通用代理更快的时间范围内的控制策略更新同时进行。在足够的勘探条件下,我们提供有限的样本收敛保证,从平均场和控制策略融合到平均场平衡方面。沙盒学习算法的样本复杂性为$ \ Mathcal {o}(\ epsilon^{ - 4})$。最后,我们从经验上证明了沙盒学习算法在交通拥堵游戏中的有效性。
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在本文中,我们为不存在或无限的数据的方差提供了置信序列的扩展。置信序列提供的置信区间在任意数据依赖性停止时间时有效,自然具有广泛的应用。我们首先为有限方差案例的CATONI风格置信序列的宽度建立了一个下限,以突出现有结果的松动性。接下来,我们为数据分布提供了紧密的catoni风格的置信序列,该数据分布有一个放松的〜$ p^{th} - $ arment,其中〜$ p \ in(1,2] $,并加强了有限差异案例的结果〜$ p = 2 $。显示出比使用dubins-savage不等式获得的置信序列更好。
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